Here's What You Get Inside
Your Omni Integrated Health Experience 

  • 18 Simple Yet Powerful Missions that each adds Exponential Momentum towards the target of helping you RISE and 6x Your Power to Tactically Create Meaningful Results in your Body, Mind, Habits & Lifestyle without burning out.
  • 12 Immersive Evolutions designed to not only Identify & Obliterate Destructive Beliefs that has you STUCK in Scarcity or Mediocrity, and/or that Keeps You AWAY From What You REALLY WANT...
  • ...but also LEVEL UP into a NEW Life Trajectory with 'Limitless' Power, Purpose and Passion In Your Relationships, Business & Life.
  • Two Assessments that help you identify exactly where you are in Life and Consciousness and Health. 
  • ​30 Days of All-Access to the Omni Integrated Health Portal: Your Library of Power & Production tools designed to weaponize you in your pursuits of HAVING IT ALL!
  • ​Lifetime Access to the Omni Challenge Facebook Group where you can Connect & Associate with Powerful Leaders such as yourself who are equally Committed to RISING As Powerful Leaders & CREATORS of Meaningful Results!
  • Instant Lifetime Access to the COMPLETE Align Your Stars AUDIO Edition with 6 AudioBooks Inside teaching you Step-by-Step the Art & Science of HAVING IT ALL Known As the Omni Way!
Learn the Lifestyle Skills Needed to Elevate to the Next Level.. 
Where You Are Now is Just the Beginning...
Video #1: The Pain of Who You are Now...
Video #2: The Possibility of Who You Want To Be...
Video #3: The Bridge Between Pain & Possibility...
Video #4: The Cartography to Success...

Alignment is Key to Your Success

THIS is the path to your best version of you..

No one part of us exists separately from the other. 

Stop looking at your life through the Work-Life Balance lens, and put on the glasses of Alignment.

The paradox of Work-Life balance assumes you MUST sacrifice your life for your work, or vice versa. We as a society have been thinking of our lives on this impossible see-saw for too long. Instead of a see-saw, let's picture your life as a Fishing Net. 
Yes, you read that right. A fishing net. 
Your fishing net is made up of many connections, some knots, some loops, but its integrity and strength is solely based on its ability to hold together and collect fish. 
Each aspect of your life must act to support the other. 
The better the integrity of the net, the wider the fisherman can cast the net, leading to better catches and better functionality of the net. 
If you pull the net left, all the knots go left. 
If you pull the net right, all the knots go right. 

This is the same as your lifestyle. Your habits shape the integrity of your net. 
You can choose to have those knots work together, or fall apart. 
There is no such thing as a happy life through development of one area of our lives. 

Let's consider the possibility, that by elevating one part of your life, that you can elevate the other areas as well. 

We are holistic, integrated beings. Everything we do (or don't do) has rippling effects across the pond we call Life. 

This program is NOT for: 
1. "Stagnant Stacey" People who don't want to change their lifestyle to achieve their dream lifestyle.
2. "Quick Fix Felix" People wanting "quick fixes" to their fitness and lifestyle problems.
3. "No-Time Nick" People NOT ready to commit time to their health.
4. "Negative Nancies" People who don't see their own fault in how they got to this point in life.

There are stages to change, and we all reach the "Action" phase at different breaking points. Imagine you are on a path walking through the forest. Before you, there is a straight path forward. You can see everything, clear as day. There are no mysteries, but there is also no excitement. 

To your right, there is a path upwards, winding towards a beautiful golden castle. You would love to get to the castle, but the path there is winding and hazy. You can't really see a clear path forward, but you know that the straight forward path doesn't go to the castle. 

Which do you choose? 

If your choice is try for the castle, then you're DEFINITELY in the right place. 
It is time to start living the Life Structure and Work Ethic of the thing you want to be.

This program is DEFINITELY for:
1. "Ready Rita" People who recognize habit changes are necessary to achieve their dream lifestyle.
2. "Planning Patrick" People wanting a roadmap to their fitness and lifestyle goals.
3. "Make-Time Mack" People ready to commit time to their health.
4. "Capable Candice" People who see they are capable to achieve everything they want in life, but just don't know how (yet).

So let's get you to that castle. Click the link below and become one of the 10 people chosen for this journey. 
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